Water Softening
Hard water is a very common problem in throughout Southeastern Wisconsin. The geology in our area is abundant in calcium and magnesium which makes our water “hard” and alkaline. This creates difficulty for soaps and detergents to lather and even harder to rinse clean. Over time soap scum will develop on your tub, dishes, clothing and skin. These minerals can also accumulate around your appliances like your coffee maker, washer dryer and dishwasher causing damage.
Thankfully the problem is easily fixed with a water softener. The water softener will exchange these minerals with trace amounts of salt eliminating the problem of soap scum and damage to your appliances! Your dishes will be spot-free, your clothing will be clean and softer and your shower tub will remain clean from soap scum.
Reverse Osmosis Drinking Systems
Commonly referred to as RO, reverse osmosis, is a water purification method that delivers the ultimate in clean drinking water. It works by forcing water under pressure through a very fine semi-permeable membrane. The clean water is captured in a small storage tank until it’s needed. You can save money and have better than bottled water by having one of these units in your home.
Iron Filtration
An iron filtration system will remove iron, sulfur and manganese from the water. By oxidizing the minerals and then filtering them out you will have clean, fresh smelling and great tasting water. There will be no more iron stains in your shower, clothing or hair. The musty taste and bad odors will also be removed. Your appliances will also be protected from corrosion and rust build up thus protecting and improving your appliances performance.